«I have traveled between the mountains but it is with Allah that I have tied my luggage»

Cheikh Mohamed Faouzi Al-Karkari

« notre tariqa (Path) est la tariqa de la vision. Celui qui ne voit pas, je ne suis pas son cheikh et il n’est pas mon mourid »Our Tariqa is the Tariqa of Vision. He Who Does Not See, I Am Not His Sheikh And He Is Not My Murid

In the Karkariya Tariqa, it is the pure tawhi'id, the commitment made on the sons of Adam before the creation, as the verse tells us: "And (remember) when thy Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their reins, their seed, and made them testify of themselves, (saying): Am I not your Lord? They said: Yea, verily. We testify..." [Surat al-A'râf, ayat 172].

"And (remember) when thy Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their reins, their seed, and made them testify of themselves, (saying): Am I not your Lord? They said: Yea, verily. We testify..." [Surat al-A'râf, ayat 172].


Il s’agit de l’expression apparente de Celui que l’on Nomme, à la fois la base de tous Ses Noms et ce par quoi ils sont réunis, le fondement de tous les sens et ainsi que leur secret.

Allâh ﷻ dit : « Et invoque le Nom de ton Seigneur, matin et après-midi » [sourate al-Insân, verset 25]


According to Hamîd ibn Hilâl, according to Abî Burda who said: Aicha - may Allâh be pleased with her - took out a needy garment and said: in this garment the spirit of the Prophet ﷺ was recalled.

"And when they tasted of the tree, their shame became vislible to them, and both began to cover themselves with leaves from the Garden." - Surah al-A'râf, verse 22.

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It is the apparent expression of Him Who is Named, both the basis of all His Names and that by which they are united, the foundation of all the senses and also their secret.

Allâh ﷻ says: "And mention the name of your Lord morning and evening" [Surat al-Insân, verse 25]

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The word "khalwa" refers to the strict adherence to one's own living grave (one's body), the individual stripping of...
In the Karkariya Tariqa, the word "khalwa" refers to the strict adherence to one's own living tomb (body), the individual stripping of all physical senses...
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From a linguistic point of view, the word Hadra refers to the notion of presence, of proximity of a thing; as for the word raqs (dance), we say of someone that he dances when he agitates and makes his body move to the rhythm of music or songs.
In the Karkariya Tariqa, it is the Chu'aibiy heart which gathers all apparent things of the universe as well as the profound truths...
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According to Abu Umâma (radiAllâhu 'anhu), a man said, "O Messenger of Allah, allow me to perform the peregrination. He replied, "The peregrination (Siyaha) of my community is Jihad in the path of Allâh."
"The peregrination (Siyaha) of my community is Jihad in the path of Allâh."
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The Sheikh and his disciples constantly produce works to help the wanderer in the knowledge of his Lord